On average, Americans spend about one-third of our time in bed. That is the same place where up to 60% of the dust mites in the home are found! According to the CDC, your mattress could contain between 10,000 to 10 million dust mites. Dust mite droppings can be a trigger for asthma. Some doctors have suggested that a significant percentage of asthma attacks may be caused by exposure to dust mites droppings. Dalworth Clean's mattress cleaning services can limit your exposure to such unwanted contaminants.
Book NowOur mattress cleaning process starts with a thorough vacuuming of the mattress to remove skin flakes and particulate matter. Spots and stains are pre-treated. This is followed by a thorough hot water rinsing, using our powerful truck-mounted cleaning system.
Our Allergy Relief Treatment is a water-based solution that contains a powerful active ingredient derived from naturally occurring extracts found in certain fruit and vegetable seeds. It works by denaturing the structure of the allergen, and thus, substantially reducing the antibody-binding capacity of the allergen. As a result, they are no longer “recognized” by the body’s immune system, alleviating the body’s allergic response (allergy attack). This treatment provides a residual effect for up to six months when properly applied.
The combination of mattress cleaning and anti-allergy treatment offers one of the best opportunities to eliminate misery causing allergens from your indoor environment. You’ll breathe easier and sleep better after a thorough professional mattress cleaning by Dalworth Clean.